Recently in the news I saw a video of an old woman being bullied by some kids. Words do not even begin to describe the hatred I feel towards my generation. It is bad enough that kids are committing suicide because of people like that. I honestly don't even know what else to say. That woman had to have an incredible amount of strength to not fucking punch the shit out of those kids. It's kids like that, that make my generation look bad. Then there are kids in school that just don't give a fuck. On one of the last days of school my teacher had us work on something that honestly wasn't that bad. All we were supposed to do was order people from best to worst in terms of who would make the best president without knowing who they were. Now before I go on I have to say I go to a different school then most people go to. My school is online and we all have to join a class from a computer where we can hear the teach. The teacher can also write on the board, change slides, let us talk, write, type, etc. Okay so in the class our teacher sent us into a breakout room (basically like being split up in a group to work together). When I got into the room there was three other people with me. One of the people in the group didn't respond for the first three minutes. Both of the other people responded though they both hardly responded for the rest of the time. One of them had to ask what we were doing despite the teacher going over it for five minutes. I some what happily told them what we were doing (though in my mind I was cursing them). The other person finally responded though she clearly had no idea what we were doing. Once she was there she acted like the leader and got started on what we were doing (because for the three minutes that she wasn't there we got absolutely nothing done). While I was typing a note to everyone she asked me something and after waiting five seconds she asked me if I was there even though I was clearly typing a note. We started getting started on the thing and I clearly was the only one who knew what to do (no I'm not trying to brag, it's the honest truth). The girl chose someone who had barely any qualities that a president should have as the person she thought was best. I politely told her why he wasn't a good candidate for president and told her who I thought was best. We both agreed that he was a good candidate and she said that it was either him or the person she chose that would be best. I again politely told her that I didn't think he was a good choice however she apparently doesn't understand what that means and still put him as number two on our list. I decided to give up on that for now and try to pick the worst candidate. We both agreed on a person I picked and asked the other two people (who have yet to contribute anything to this what there opinion was). The one guy didn't respond and the girl only agreed with us. About thirty seconds later she sent another note about how it was soooo confusing. I almost broke down. Let me remind you that this is a simple task and that we are all in 10th grade and had learned about what qualities make a good president about three months ago. We are also all over the age of 14 and really should already know what makes a good president. I'm pretty sure a bunch of kindergartners could have easily picked out the best candidate. So at this point I just want to get this shit over with (we had been working on it for 20 minutes). But then my genius teammate decided to say another thing which was something like "this is so stupid the teacher should just let us out early". Then the only guy in the group finally decided to say something which was "lol yeah". At the point I just exploded and sent them a message like this (without the cursing of course) "We have been working on this for the last 25 fucking minutes. We should already be done with this shit and I honestly could have finished this in five minutes had I not been put in a group of idiots. Can you guys just stop your fucking complaining for five fucking minutes so we can get this done and it really should be that hard and confusing considering the fact that we are in 10th grade civics and have learned about this before". It might seem like a bit of overkill but it's the truth and have no regret about saying it. Of course, my teammate has a note to send us which was "lol okay then". After that I was done. My hatred toward my generation had reached an all time high and I wish I could just strangle her so that the world doesn't have to deal with her anymore. So that is one of the many reasons that I hate everyone.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm pretty sure my doctor poisoned me. I had to get a chickenpox shot because although I had gotten one before, my school wanted me to get another. It was easy to get, just a slight pinch and that was all. However, later that night I got a sore throat. Then the next morning I awoke to a stuffy nose, coughing, a sore throat, and a bump where the doctor inserted the shot. Even though my mom was sick last Friday I'm still positive that it's my doctors doings. Either that or I'm paranoid so either way I'm screwed.
In other completely unrelated news I got fish. I have two silver mollies, one (probably) pregnant black molly, and a red double tail male Betta (don't worry, he is not in the same tank, I'm not that much of an idiot). Because I'm obsessed with music, I named my silver mollies Metallica and Pearl, my black molly is Black Tide and my Betta is In Flames.
Yes this is a very long post but only because I haven't posted anything in a month and I'm going to be busy so I probably won't be posting much this summer. But if I don't post anything in six months it's because either the poison killed me or I'm in a mental institute. I have a killer headache so I'm going the fuck to sleep (I will fix any errors in this tomorrow).